Castle RECAP 2/11/13: Season 5 Episode 14 Reality Star Struck

Publish date: 2024-05-11

Castle RECAP 2/11/13: Season 5 Episode 14 “Reality Star Struck”

Tonight on ABC their hit crime drama CASTLE returns with a new episode called “Reality Star Struck.” On tonight’s show Castle & Beckett work to solve the murder of a young starlet on a “Real Housewives” – Esque Reality Show while on the case, their first Valentines Day together approaches. Did you watch last week’s winter premiere episode? We did and we recapped it here for you!

On last week’s show while investigating the murder of a young woman, Castle and Beckett found evidence that linked her death with Senator William H. Bracken (guest star Jack Coleman returns), the man responsible for Beckett’s mother’s murder. Determined to finally bring Bracken to justice, Beckett soon realized that things are far more complicated than they seemed.

On tonight’s show Castle & Beckett get an up-close-and-personal view of a “Real Housewives”-esque reality TV series, “The Wives of Wall Street,” when they investigate the murder of the show’s rising young star. Meanwhile, Castle’s attempt to give Beckett a Valentine’s Day gift goes horribly wrong.

Castle RECAP 2/11/13: Season 5 Episode 14 “Reality Star Struck”

Guest Cast tonight include Gina Torres as Samantha Foster, Gail O’Grady as Margo Cowan, Lachlan Buchanan as Stone Gower, Heather Ann Davis as Ashley Robinson.

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Castle tonight at 10 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know what your think of Castle season 5, so far? Enjoy some pics and a sneak peek video of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Often For Updates

There’s a promo playing for a reality show – The Wives of Wall $treet. TV exec Mr. Monroe wants more Hannah. His assistant comes in and says the police need to see him – there’s been a murder.

Kate and Castle are guessing what they got each other for Valentine’s Day. Espo tells them the victim is Hannah from Wives of WS – she was literally stabbed in the back. She was killed with a $200 knife. Her purse is gone, but she’s got a pricey bracelet still on. Looks like there was a struggle – scratch marks.

Ryan rushes up late – he’s frazzled because his wife is ovulating and he’s a stud on call.

Kate and Castle watch the last footage ever shot of Hannah. Monroe tells them it’s a huge loss – she was ratings gold. He said they have to find who did it – the audience will want to know. She was found in the same clothes from the shoot – and it was 24 hours later.

Monroe says the girls had spats occasionally, but they were a family. He tells them to check out her real family – there were issues there. Her brother Brian spoke to her a few days ago and they argued because he wanted her to come home. He said watching all of her bad choices on TV were affecting their lives. He tells them about the affair.

Hannah was sleeping with Penelope’s husband Bob. The captain rushes in all excited – she’s a huge fan of the show. She tells them it’s the best show on TV. Castle is surprised. Lainey calls and sends a photo of a fingernail she found in the victim’s scalp. It’s red and it matches Penelope’s hand on the TV screen.

Monroe tries to get Kate and Castle to wait until they’re done filming, but they burst in. They watch the footage and Penelope laughs about Hannah being dead and says it’s not like she killed her. But Kate arrests her for just that – they can see the missing fingernail!

BTWs, Penelope is being played by Gina Torres – she knows Nathan Fillion from when they were on Firefly together (a totally awesome Western SciFi show – weird huh? – that lasted only one season but was amazing)! I love to see them work together. Check out Firefly sometime – Netflix has it!

Penelope rages about being arrested in front of the cast and crew. They show her the DNA match on the fingernail they found in Hannah’s head. They talk to Penelope’s husband Bob who is as big an idiot as Penelope says he was. He said he hasn’t seen Penelope recently.

Penelope says they did have a dust up, but it was the night before she was killed. She said Hannah waited for her outside the studio to talk. Margot hired Hannah after Penelope fired her and Hannah was asking for her job back. That was why Penelope yanked at her hair and broke her nail. Penelope has an alibi – she was at kickboxing.

They found a fire retardant on the knife, but no prints. Someone posted a photo of Hannah 20 minutes before she died on a fan site. The captain IDs the building from show footage as Margot’s. Margot confirms that Hannah came by at 10 pm the night she was killed – she said she was there to apologize. Hannah had been working with Margot’s son Stone and Margot was open to it to get more camera time. But she tells them that Margot bailed on a meeting in front of the cameras. She said Hannah promised to recommit to the fashion line and would make up for it. Margot was on the phone with her lawyer on her land line.

Castle said the fansite for the show would have told anyone who was watching the site feed where she was. Espo checked Hannah’s financials and found she was at a dive bar instead of the big meeting at Margot’s. She had a fight with someone at the bar.

Ryan said Hannah went radio silent (no cell phone, email or anything) for the 24 hours before she found. Lainey found material from a Madagascar plant under her nails. She found an abrasion from the diamond tennis bracelet. Turns out her wrists were tied together. That and the radio silence leads to kidnapped for 24 hours before her death!

The crew is trying to figure out why Hannah was making large payments, was kidnapped and had a Madagascar-related substance under her nails. Castle asks if this mystery is his Valentine’s day gift. The captain found out that the mystery substance was used in rugs and other materials. She orders the team to all watch some Wives of Wall Street as case research.

Kate and Castle spar some more about their gifts. He shows his mom an daughter the beautiful earrings he got her. His mom says to slip them into Kate’s coat pocket. He invites them to watch Wives of Wall Street with them and even made popcorn.

They watch Penelope confront Bob and Hannah about their affair. She flips over a table and chaos ensues. Castle is enthralled! He stays up for hours after everyone else goes to bed. Next day, he’s talking WOWS with the captain. Kate tells them she watched one episode – Castle says that’s like eating one chip and she says she does that too.
The sketch artist finished the photo – it’s Mark Chilean – the billionaire from “Shark Pool.” They met for what he thought was a date but she started pitching a vegan, organic clothing line. He was ready to fund the line but when she mentioned she might leave the show, he told her to forget it.

Castle wonders why she would leave the show. Kate turns her back and Castle slips the earrings into her jacket. Whoops – he slipped them in the Captain’s jacket but he has no time to get them back. They found the building Hannah was in that had the Madagascar chemicals in the wallpaper. They hear a pounding on the wall and go in. It’s Penelope and Bob boinking! Castle says “You’re back together? Spoiler alert!”

Turns out the apartment is owned by Bob but the Captain says he had moved in with Hannah. The $5,000 payments Hannah was being paid aligned with withdrawals from Penelope’s account. The captain tells Kate to go all WOWS on Bob and she goes in yelling – she threatens him and talks crazy. She calls him names and flips the table. Bob fesses up and says the affair was a fake and they only did it for the ratings. Penelope’s sales were dropping because Stone’s romance was getting all the screen time.

Bob says after taping her confessional, Hannah asked to meet them. She said she couldn’t go on with the home wrecking plot line and was going to come clean. Bob said they couldn’t let it happen – the show would sue them for faking it. They tied her up and kept her for a day and then called WOWS producer Monroe. They told him everything. He came over and told them he’d take care of it and they left. The next thing they knew, Hannah was dead!

[10:59:38 PM] Rachel Rowan: Kate and Castle bust into Monroe’s office and he tells them he didn’t kill her – that he saved her from the lunatics. Castle said his show would go down in flames if she told. Monroe said he offered her money her own show, but she wouldn’t deal. She got into a taxi and left and he never saw her again. He said he went to the Player’s club and waited for the world to cave in, but it never happened. His alibi is confirmed.
That only leaves Margot. Espo found out that Margot wasn’t even home when Hannah got there – her credit cards show she was at a deli 10 blocks away. Castle is peeking at the captain’s jacket and he has to tell her about the gift. He left a romantic note but can’t remember if he put Kate’s name on it – the captain doesn’t know they’re dating and would bar them from working together.
They confront Margot about lying about being home. They know it was Stone that let her up. Castle quotes Margot from season two saying she always knows where her son is. They found him at the airport on the way out of the country on a one way ticket to Buenos Aires. The captain wants to know if anything on the reality show is real! Then she finds the earrings and note from Castle. She thinks he has the hots for her!!!
Kate and Castle are grilling Stone about leaving town and letting Hannah in. Stone tells them he was in love with Hannah and that his relationship with Ashley was his mom’s idea. He and Hannah bonded over being forced to do things they didn’t like. He said she wanted a way out – he said he was too but the lies were too big – her fake affair and his fake engagement.
He said Hannah wanted to leave town and he was going to go with her but then his mom came home and blew up. She threw Hannah out. He tells them Hannah begged him to go with her but he couldn’t stand up to his mother. He’s distraught. Castle asks if Margot went after her. He says he ran out to catch up with her in the street. He kissed her and said he loved her and she said it was too late. She said she never wanted to see any of them again. He doesn’t have an alibi for her time of death and he was the last to see her alive.

Ryan looked at Stone’s wedding registry and the murder weapon was on their gift list. But the gifts don’t go to the groom, Kate says, they go to the bride. They bring in Ashley. They ask her about the knives on the registry and they tell her they know one of the knives wasn’t there. They also ask about her pottery studio and the chemical they found in her studio was on the knife. They tell her she got an alert from the fan site and she freaks out and tries to leave. She says she’s going to go and they won’t let her and then she snaps.

She said she grabbed the knife to scare her but then she heard Stone say he loved her and was kissing her. She said their spin off was in final negotiations. She said she put an end to the threat!

Castle said she was using the WOWS motto “Don’t let anyone stop you from getting what you want.” Castle and Kate try to figure out why the captain hasn’t said anything yet about them dating. Kate yells to Espo that his date is here – it’s Lainey all dolled up in a sexy red dress. They flirt up a storm and leave. The captain comes out and calls Castle into her office.

He heads in and the earrings are on her desk. She asked him if he would be okay with it – she reads the note to him. Kate’s name wasn’t on it. The captain tells him she’s a married woman and asks what he was thinking. She asks if he’s looking for a favor. She tells him to give her respect and contain his childish nonsense. She hands him the earrings and stalks out, saying she’s going home to her husband because she’s his valentine!

Kate laughs and Castle apologizes because he has to swap out her gift since the captain saw them. Castle asks for his gift and she tells him to open the drawer. It’s empty. He looks around the drawer and Kate has to explain it to him. She’s giving him a drawer at her place. He says it’s perfect.


[10:39:31 PM] Rachel Rowan: The crew is trying to figure out why Hannah was making large payments, was kidnapped and had a Madagascar-related substance under her nails. Castle asks if this mystery is his Valentine’s day gift. The captain found out that the mystery substance was used in rugs and other materials. She orders the team to all watch some Wives of Wall Street as case research.
Kate and Castle spar some more about their gifts. He shows his mom an daughter the beautiful earrings he got her. His mom says to slip them into Kate’s coat pocket. He invites them to watch Wives of Wall Street with them and even made popcorn.
They watch Penelope confront Bob and Hannah about their affair. She flips over a table and chaos ensues. Castle is enthralled! He stays up for hours after everyone else goes to bed. Next day, he’s talking WOWS with the captain. Kate tells them she watched one episode – Castle says that’s like eating one chip and she says she does that too.
The sketch artist finished the photo – it’s Mark Chilean – the billionaire from “Shark Pool.” They met for what he thought was a date but she started pitching a vegan, organic clothing line. He was ready to fund the line but when she mentioned she might leave the show, he told her to forget it.
Castle wonders why she would leave the show. Kate turns her back and Castle slips the earrings into her jacket. Whoops – he slipped them in the Captain’s jacket but he has no time to get them back. They found the building Hannah was in that had the Madagascar chemicals in the wallpaper. They hear a pounding on the wall and go in. It’s Penelope and Bob boinking! Castle says “You’re back together? Spoiler alert!”
Turns out the apartment is owned by Bob but the Captain says he had moved in with Hannah. The $5,000 payments Hannah was being paid aligned with withdrawals from Penelope’s account. The captain tells Kate to go all WOWS on Bob and she goes in yelling – she threatens him and talks crazy. She calls him names and flips the table. Bob fesses up and says the affair was a fake and they only did it for the ratings. Penelope’s sales were dropping because Stone’s romance was getting all the screen time.
Bob says after taping her confessional, Hannah asked to meet them. She said she couldn’t go on with the home wrecking plot line and was going to come clean. Bob said they couldn’t let it happen – the show would sue them for faking it. They tied her up and kept her for a day and then called WOWS producer Monroe. They told him everything. He came over and told them he’d take care of it and they left. The next thing they knew, Hannah was dead!
