Carrie Underwood: Im not a mushy person, but hey, I mean Im not a sociopath

Publish date: 2024-03-31

Carrie Underwood covers the June issue of Marie Claire, and good God I think Marie Claire’s editors kind of hate her. While I usually don’t think much of Carrie’s red-carpet styling (her default is “pageant girl”), I do think Carrie is a beautiful woman with gorgeous skin and big blonde hair that she could do so much with. I guess Marie Claire was trying to tone down the pageant-qualities and do, like, a sophisticated bedhead look? But it just looks like a big blonde rat’s nest. It’s terrible. As for the interview… well, this is one of my new favorite quotes: “But hey, I mean…I’m not a sociopath.” If you have to say “I’m not a sociopath” doesn’t that make it sound like… well, nevermind. Some highlights:

On her personality: “I’m not a mushy person at all. We were never a huggy family. Or a ‘let’s talk it out’ family. Technically I have siblings but they are quite a bit older than me – I was the accident – so I have the only-child syndrome going on. I’m a little more selfish, a little more independent, a little closed. I do wish I were softer. I wish I were able to form relationships better. But hey, I mean…I’m not a sociopath.”

On anxiety: “At the beginning of my career, I used to have panic attacks. People were touching me, screaming – it made me really nervous. In public, I just get nervous. It’s a physical reaction, feeling like the walls are closing in. The fans are great. It’s not their fault. I don’t ever want to come across as ungrateful. But on my end, it is hard for me to process. Because I am still just me.”

On awkward moments: “My husband calls me the queen of awkward moments. Anything that can be made awkward, I will make it awkward.”

What she wrote in her high school yearbook: “You were supposed to say what you would be doing in 10 years, and I said, ‘I will be rich, famous, and married to a hot guy.’ I guess I should have added a few more things.”

On having kids: “I don’t feel old enough to have kids. I know I am mature. But being responsible for another human?”

[From Marie Claire]

I know it’s weird (and I’m not a sociopath either!) but I totally relate to how she describes her personality. I’m getting more sentimental in my old age, but when I was younger, I hated to cry and I hated anything mushy or sentimental. I’m not big on hugging either, and I have the “selfish only child” thing going on too. But I swear, I’m NOT A SOCIOPATH. Promise.

Photos courtesy of Marie Claire.
