Star: Angelina Jolie is down to 99 pounds, maybe because of heroin?

Publish date: 2024-03-23


Star Magazine’s cover story this week is all about Angelina Jolie and how she’s down to 99 pounds, because of heroin, I guess. I don’t know… um, the cover is Photoshopped? Like, to a ridiculous level. Now, you guys have been bitching about Angelina Jolie’s weight for… well, for years. But more specifically, many have been complaining about her thin appearances surrounding her publicity tour for Kung Fu Panda 2. Now, while I’ll admit that I winced a little when seeing Angelina’s bony legs a few times, I think her top half looks okay-ish. She’s not crazy emaciated, like she was after her mom died. Her upper arms have some flesh, her cheeks don’t look hallow, and in a few photos, it even looks like she has a small tummy. Could it be possible that after two pregnancies, Angelina just gains weight in certain parts of her body and not others?

What’s going on with Angelina Jolie‘s shocking weight loss? At the Cannes Film Festival, jaws dropped when she appeared looking gaunt, bony, and terrifyingly thin. We’re worried for you, Angelina, you’re looking emaciated!

In fact, Star is reporting that the five-foot-seven tall actress’ weight has plummeted to 99 pounds!

“Angie has gotten so skinny and frail, Brad thinks she needs professional help,” a source tells Star, which adds that Brad staged an “intervention,” begging Angelina to get help. “Her face looks sunken. On the red carpet, her arms look like twigs.”

And while the stress of juggling an acting career and motherhood may take its toll on her, it’s her diet that’s the main culprit, according to Star. “Brad is really concerned with her eating habits,” says the source. “She’s existing on cereal bars and fruit smoothies and has slipped to just 99 pounds. She is so thin yet will still go on a carrot-juice fast for days.”

It’s gotten so severe that Brad is “leaving food out all over the place hoping she’ll snack,” and wishing that she’ll gain at least 10 pounds.

[From Hollywood Life]

If she’s really five foot seven (I think she might be an inch shorter, maybe), I doubt that she’s down to 99 pounds. My guesstimate is… 115-ish. With those hips and boobs, my guess is that she’s probably a dress size 4 (in the traditional size system, not The Kristie Alley Size System). And I don’t buy that Angelina does “carrot juice fasts” and junk. She’s not that woman. I will buy that she “forgets to eat” because she’s so busy though.





Star cover courtesy of CoverAwards, additional pics by WENN.
