World gone mad: Scott Foley puts peanut butter on his scrambled eggs

Publish date: 2024-04-28

Scott Foley joins Holiday Pet Bark Box Adoption

I am somewhat gross about food. I don’t have crazy-weird eating habits, but I do have food quirks. Right now, I’m PMS-ing really hard and last night I gave into cravings and ate two packets of microwave bacon and I have no regrets. I’m not one of those “just put sriracha/BBQ sauce/ranch dressing on ~~~” people either. I like the way meat tastes without a lot of extras. I like a good-quality Italian dressing and that’s about it. I really have to be in the mood for something spicy. So basically, my food quirks are pretty bland. So, I had no idea that this was a thing, but apparently Scott Foley likes to put peanut butter on his scrambled eggs. Is this gross?

Scott Foley has an, um, interesting breakfast combination he’d like everyone to try.

The Scandal star shook up the food world after he posted a video of himself spreading peanut butter all over his scrambled eggs. His son, Konrad, 2, also appears to be a fan of the unconventional dish. “You want more peanut butter on your eggs?” he says, translating an unintelligible — yet adorable — question from his youngest child with wife, Marika Domińczyk. “It’s a family thing. It’s a protein thing.”

The video quickly racked up 10,000 likes in 30 minutes and now has over 50,000 views. “You guys are insane — insane,” he says in a followup video. “It’s so good. Don’t knock it till you try it. Thanks! Peanut butter eggs. Dig it.”

[From People]

Please, the original “peanut butter eggs” are the peanut butter-and-chocolate eggs I get at Easter!!! ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS. I’ll admit to being a big fan of the peanut-butter-and-chocolate combo, but peanut butter and scrambled eggs? I won’t try it. I’m not adventurous, I don’t eat eggs that often and just thinking about this combo makes me feel a bit sick. That being said, my mom puts ketchup on her scrambled eggs and everyone always thinks that’s so weird.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.
